Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A comment well taken

I was just sent the link for the St. Anne's Spa and noticed Jim's blog http://www.steannes.blogspot.com
Here is the quote that beats all: take the time and invest in the materials to build a good foundation and the tougher parts of life will come easier.
Of course I've heard this before. In fact, I used to give this advice when I was an addiction counsellor.
Lately, everything in life seems out of perspective and I've wondering how to find a way to perservere optimistically.
Here's where I dish: Little B. has special needs. His little muscles don't work the way he needs them to and we've been spending countless hours with doctors and physiotherapists trying to help him get stronger -- and it's taking a really, really long time. So long, in fact, that I often feel discouraged and unclear as to whether my efforts will be succesful.
Thanks Jim for your quote. I'm helping him build his foundation and I know the time that we put in now will only help his entire future. And he's SUCH a little cutie!


Anonymous said...

I miss the posts...

Janet said...

That is a great quote.

Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. I will definitely put your name in the draw.