Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hmmm... this is hard work

Any tips on keeping up with blogging? I have all these great ideas but never seem to have enough time to make it happen.
I'd like to say that my two bambinos keep me hopping but that's just crap, isn't it? I was watching Oprah (uh huh, I watch Oprah -- in fact, I PVR Oprah -- there, I've said it; I'm an Oprah junky); anyway, I was watching a PVR'd Oprah from last week and there was a stay at home mom (5 kids... omg) who had her songs picked up and recorded by Faith Hill. So, seriously, if she can accomplish that with 2.5 times the kids that I have, then what am I complaining about. Seriously...
What should I do to make this blog better???
I'm okay with your comments -- seriously, I'm not sensitive about it. Just tell me; I want to know :)

1 comment:

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

When to blog? My advice is either during naps or after bed-time! Good luck to you!!