Monday, July 2, 2007


Such an evil, evil vice of mine. I once heard that people who procrastinate were more likely to develop heart attacks and stroke at an earlier age -- in other words, I'm screwed...

We're going to my in-laws for dinner and I agreed to bring a salad. Two days ago I thought it would be a great idea to do something new, whip up something special, show off my culinary talent. The problem is, I have no culinary talent and I hate cooking.

Here's the recipe:
black beans, corn, red pepper, avocado, fresh coriander, cumin & chili spice with olive oil on top. Sound good?? I'll let you know.

Well, C.J. just woke up from his nap and now I have to make the salad while watching two small children -- I guess I understand the whole heart attack & stroke thing... shit.

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