Wednesday, July 4, 2007

It's not working

... the coffee, I mean. I think I'm in trouble when my husband's full strength brew of morning coffee isn't working anymore. I actually feel more tired than I did an hour ago -- the act of showering, picking out clothes and drying my hair has done me in (not to mention feeding and dressing my 3-year old, making the babies breakfast, cleaning the kitchen, putting on laundry & packing our day bag -- oh god, no wonder I'm tired). Only 6 hours until nap time. Whimper, whimper.

We're meeting our friends at IKEA today. My best friend has 2 children of exactly the same age as mine and our last trip to IKEA had both of our older boys in tears. The ball room lady (or should I say 'cow') was militant on not letting the kids in until they were exactly 40 inches tall. "No, I'm sorry," she said with a stupid smirk on her face, "they're not quite up to the line. Have a nice day shopping at IKEA". If you've been to IKEA (and really who hasn't), you'll laugh when I say that taking four children through IKEA was the supreme test of wills. We had no idea that we would not see the light of day for HOURS... literally. We emerged with a few plastic gadgets, that have since disappeared into the abyss of the house, and nerves upended. Never again, I said. Until today... what the hell am I thinking???


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of blogging. I'm loving your stories and insights around what's got to be one of the toughtest professions out there: the mommy job. Keep it up!

P.S. Tomorrow, I'll remember to make the coffee even stronger.

littlemama said...

Just keep the coffee coming, 'kay? Just keep it coming!